Saturday, June 21, 2014


By Ruth Grava

The doll is humanity’s oldest and most prevailing symbol of joy and amusement. Although they are the sculptural archetypes, as a serious art form they have been largely ignored due to the very fact that they are regarded as instruments to play.

My intention is to start a series of articles about this fascinating world of. 

We cannot allow this fascinating art to be forgotten  by humanity, and the family unit.

As far back as 40.000 B.C, since the time of the Cro-Magnon man, throughout the entire breath of Europe and Asia, dolls have accompanied the advancement of civilization

Traditionally, art has been a serious subject and  Up till the 1900's it was thought that “ar”t must be either beautiful or poignant in the very classical sense.

However, doll art has always had the freedom to stimulate participation, express all emotions, incorporate sound, music, movement and mechanical special effects. It has also been traditional in the art world to have "pedigrees" and signatures to establish authenticity value, and higher resale.

Many of the dolls I choose to photograph is my way of learning they do not have such traceable .
Their value comes from being just what they are: interesting, sometimes mesmerizing objects of art and love.

In the entire world there are professionals, private collectors, museums, art shows, associations, federations and many groups that do not allow the art form to end. Even with the astronomical growth of the internet and technology in general there are still a lot of people who do not know about this art.

This is a  type of art that anyone can embrace, get a feel for and with the increase of online presentations more and more people of all ages, are falling in love with these types of Dolls. Often inspiring to several areas of communication there are appearing new ways of promoting dolls.

There is a teddy bear quality, that over the years has picked up a patina, a look of having been intimately held and loved by their owners in such a way that truly touches the soul.

Once you fall in love with the dolls face, every time you see It’s  like seeing an old friend. Entering a room with over a thousand dolls, their languid long limbs gracefully draped over sofas and chairs, and meeting with 2000 poetic eyes is a unique and captivating experience.

Each expression whispers "I love you," Love me" asking" Do you understand me?  "Let me entertain you,” Please enjoy me," creating a feeling of intimacy and tenderness captured in time for our lasting pleasure.

Until now, the topic of "art dolls" from the Art Deco 1920's and 1930's has been virtually untouched. Mysteries surrounding dolls of this era will inevitably unfold as interest continues to develop. Perhaps more information will surface as heirs to collections sort through inheritances, memorabilia, and antiquated piles of paper.

Art  dolls, also known as boudoir dolls, were a phenomenon of the Art Deco Era.
Since the kind of long-legged doll has experienced somewhat of a rebirth in recent years, it is my pleasure to have an opportunity of learning about this interesting Art and try to share with people who have interest in learning about it.

I have not, until now, been able to find examples of each and every kind of the doll manufactured by companies. It is a very hard work, and I need to contact each company to ask for their authorization to mention and publish pictures. It will definetely be possible in our lifetime, perhaps even easier with new technologies.

My intention is to use this blog to create dynamism, and show this art so the public can have fun, thus increasing their interest while providing information about the wonderful world of dolls.

I also hoped to, in some small way, express the undeniable grace and enchantment that dolls continue to bring to people’s lives.

Ruth Grava
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Monday, June 9, 2014


                                               Porcelain Clown Hand Made Paint Greenware.